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           Cimini Lab   Department of Biological Sciences

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Mechanics and Dynamics of Mitosis
  Asymmetric clustering of centrosomes defines the early evolution of tetraploid cells.
       Baudoin N.C., Nicholson J.M., Soto K., Martin O., Chen J., Cimini D. (2020).
       eLife 9, e54565

  Chromosomes missegregated into micronuclei contribute to chromosomal instability by missegregating
       at the next division.

       He B., Gnawali N., Hinman A.W., Mattingly A.J., Osimani A., Cimini D. (2019).
       Oncotarget, 10: 2660-2674.

  Chromosome segregation: the bigger they come, the harder they fall.
       Baudoin N.C. and Cimini D. (2018).
       Current Biology, 28: R665–R667.

 A guide to classifying mitotic stages and mitotic defects in fixed cells.
       Baudoin N.C. and Cimini D. (2018).
       Chromosoma, 127: 215-227.

 Laser microsurgery reveals conserved viscoelastic behavior of the kinetochore.
       Cojoc G., Roscioli E., Zhang L., García-Ulloa A., Shah J.V., Berns M.W., Pavin N., Cimini D., Tolić I.M.,
       and Gregan J. (2016).
       The Journal of Cell Biology , 212: 767-776.
       [Highlighted in commentary by Cabello, Gachet, and Tournier published in the same issue]

 Using photoactivatable GFP to study microtubule dynamics and chromosome segregation.
       He B. and Cimini D. (2016)
       Methods Mol. Biol., 1413: 15-31.

 Overlap microtubules link sister k-fibres and balance the forces on bi-oriented kinetochores.
       Kajtez J., Solomatina A., Novak M., Polak B., Vukušić K., Rüdiger J., Cojoc G., Milas A., Šumanovac Šestak I.,
       Risteski P., Tavano F., Klemm A.H., Roscioli E., Welburn J., Cimini D., Glunčić M., Pavin N., and Tolić I.M. (2016)
       Nat. Commun., 7:10298.

 Modeling chromosome dynamics in mitosis: a historical perspective on models of metaphase
       and anaphase in eukaryotic cells.

       Civelekoglu-Scholey G. and Cimini D. (2014)
       Interface Focus, 4: 20130073.

 Dynamic bonds and polar ejection force distribution explain kinetochore oscillations in PtK1 cells.
       Civelekoglu-Scholey G., He B., Shen M., Wan X., Roscioli E., Bowden B., and Cimini D. (2013)
       J. Cell Biol., 201 (4).

 The coupling between sister kinetochore directional instability and oscillations in centromere stretch
       in metaphase PtK1 cells.

       Wan X., Cimini D., Cameron L.A., and Salmon E.D. (2012)
       Mol. Biol. Cell, 23: 1035-1046.

 Timing of centrosome separation is important for accurate chromosome segregation.
       Silkworth W.T., Nardi I.K., Paul R., Mogilner A., and Cimini D. (2012)
       Mol. Biol. Cell, 23: 401-411.

 Computer simulations predict that chromosome movements and rotations accelerate mitotic spindle assembly
       without compromising accuracy.

       Paul R., Wollman R., Silkworth W.T., Nardi I.K., Cimini D., and Mogilner A. (2009).
       Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 106: 15708-15713.

 Kinesin 5-independent poleward flux of kinetochore microtubules in PtK1 cells.
       Cameron L.A., Yang G., Cimini D., Canman J.C., Kisurina-Evgenieva O., Khodjakov A., Danuser G.,
       and Salmon E.D. (2006).
       J. Cell Biol., 173: 173-179, [Cover article]
       [Cited in Faculty of 1000]

 Chromosomes can congress to the metaphase plate before biorientation.
       Kapoor T.M., Lampson M.A., Hergert P., Cameron L., Cimini D., Salmon E.D., McEwen B.F., and Khodjakov A. (2006).
       Science, 311: 388-391.
       [Cover article; Comment by Rebecca Heald in Science, 311:388-391]
       [Cited in Faculty of 1000]

 Simultaneous inhibition of contractile ring and central spindle formation in mammalian cells treated
       with cytochalasin B.

       Cimini D., Fioravanti D., Tanzarella C., and Degrassi F. (1998).
       Chromosoma, 107: 479-485. [Erratum]